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Repair Guide for Commercial Ice Machines - SSI Services




From hospitality industries to schools and everything in between, a reliable ice machine is not an option, it is a necessity. But when the machine starts acting up, it can throw a wrench in your operations, leading to unhappy customers and potential losses. SSI Services provides commercial ice machine repair and maintenance expertise across popular brands like Manitowoc, Scotsman, Ice-O-Matic, and Hoshizaki, ensuring your business keeps running smoothly. Our team is ready to tackle anything from preventive maintenance and diagnostics to full replacements. Let's explore some of the more common issues these machines face.

Understanding Your Ice Machine

Before diving into repairs and maintenance, let's briefly discuss the main types of commercial ice machines:

  • Manitowoc Ice Machines: Manitowoc models are popular because they are known for their reliability and energy efficiency. They offer a variety of ice types, from full-size cubes to nuggets.
  • Scotsman Ice Machines: Scotsman is celebrated for its diverse range of ice machines, including models that produce gourmet ice, nuggets, and flakes, suitable for various applications.
  • Ice-O-Matic Machines: These machines are appreciated for their simplicity and durability, offering straightforward, effective ice production solutions.
  • Hoshizaki Ice Machines: Hoshizaki models are revered for their unique crescent-shaped ice and robust construction, making them ideal for high-demand environments.

Knowing your specific model helps diagnose issues and perform the right maintenance tasks.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips

Despite these machines' quality, they are prone to fail at some point.

Here are a few common issues:

  • Ice production slowdown: This can be caused by a dirty condenser coil or a need for water filter replacement. Regular cleaning and maintenance often resolve this issue.
  • Strange noises: Unusual sounds could indicate mechanical issues or a need for more complex repairs. If your machine starts making unfamiliar noises, it's best to consult with a professional.
  • Water leakage: Leaks can result from clogged drains or faulty water inlet valves. Regular inspections can help identify and address these issues early.

Maintenance Tips to Extend Your Ice Machine's Life

Routine maintenance is not an expense; it's an investment that extends the life of your ice machine.

Here are some tips:

  • Clean and sanitize regularly: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and sanitizing your machine to prevent mold and scale buildup.
  • Change water filters as recommended: Regularly replacing water filters ensures clean, clear ice and can prevent mineral buildup in your machine.
  • Inspect and clean the condenser coil: A clean condenser coil is crucial for efficient operation. Ensure it's free from dust and debris.

When to Call the Professionals

Regular maintenance can prevent many issues, while other problems

require professional expertise. Electric issue? Refrigerant leaks? No ice at all? It is time to call SSI Services. Our technicians are equipped with the knowledge and stocked with the most common parts for all major brands like Manitowoc & Hoshizaki, ensuring your ice machine is operational as quickly as possible.  

SSI Services: Your Partner in Ice Machine Repair

Here at SSI Services, we understand ice machines' critical role in your business. Our certified technicians are ready to tackle any issue, providing expert repairs and maintenance for Manitowoc, Scotsman, Ice-O-Matic, and Hoshizaki ice machines. We pride ourselves on quick response times, vans stocked with OEM parts, and preventive maintenance services that prevent unexpected breakdowns.


Keep ice machine troubles from melting your business operations.

Partnering with SSI Services ensures your ice machine runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're facing immediate issues or looking to invest in preventive maintenance, our team is here to help. We serve Tampa, Orlando, and Jacksonville.  


Contact us today to schedule a service visit and learn how we can save you up to 15% on your M&R expenses.

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